Qual EMR – Electronic Medical Record

  • Overview
  • Key Modules
  • Request for Service


Cloud QEMR – Hospital Management Software is developed by Qualsoft by the team of experts. Cloud QEMR is a cloud based Hospital Management Software is an ERP suite of software modules to computerize any large scale hospitals and chain clinics and its branches. Cloud QEMR is perfect Hospital Management Software for all the hospitals including Super Specialty Hospital, Ophthalmology Hospital, Dental Hospital, Gynecology & Pediatrics Hospital and it is also easy to customize for Medical College Management. Cloud QEMR covers all the major functional areas of Hospital Management Software.

How Cloud QEMR – Hospital Management Software helps :

  • Useful for General Practitioners, Surgeons, Gynecologist,Physicians, Nursing homes.
  • All types of Big & Small hospital.
  • Ideal for Multi-Speciality Hospitals.
  • Appropriate Medical Care Facility Localization.
  • Increased Hospital Occupancy.
  • Avoid Expensive ER Costs.
  • Decreased ER Crowding.
  • Compatible with any Windows 7 or higher version.
  • Integrated Search Engine.
  • Avoid duplication of work.
  • Track receipts and payments.
  • Save cost on stationary.
  • Optimize resource utilization.
  • Move towards paperless Office.

Key Modules

1. Appointment Scheduler

  • Appointment scheduling.
  • Daily / Weekly & Monthly view.
  • Quick follow-up appointment bookings

2. OPD Management

  • Manage OPD Visits.
  • Generate Medical Certificate.
  • Mange multiple OPD Reports.
  • Manage OPD Prescription.

3. IPD Mangement

  • Manage IPD Admission.
  • Manage IPD Observation.
  • Manage IPD Bill.
  • Manage multiple IPD Reports.

4. Medical Investigation

  • Manage Pathology Test.
  • Generates Pathology Test Result.
  • Manage Radiology Test.
  • Generates Radiology Test Result.

5. Pharmacy

  • Manage Purchase Bills.
  • Manage Sales Bills.

6. HR & Payroll

  • Employee’s Personal Information.
  • Automatic/Manual Employee Attendance & Leaves.
  • Monthly Pay bill Connectivity with accounts.
  • Deduction of PF / PT / IT / LIC/Bank Loan/RD/PLI/Society/Others.
  • TDS Form No: 16.

7. Financial Accounts

  • Manage Income & Expenditure.
  • Manage Cash Payment/Receipt.
  • Manage Bank Payment/Receipt.
  • Manage Credit/Debit Note.
  • Manage Payment/Receipt Register.

8. Inventory

  • Mange Quotations.
  • Manage Comparative Analysis.
  • Manage Good Received Note (GRN).
  • Stock Statement.
  • Store Outward Report Date wise/Item wise.